Thursday, March 26, 2020

Old Man And Sea Essays - The Old Man And The Sea, Film, Sport Fish

Old Man And Sea Santiago (The Old Man) is the main character of The Old Man and the Sea. His occupation is a fisherman. Unlike the rest of the fishing community, Santiago continues to fish using traditional methods. These methods, however, do not allow Santiago to catch many fish. Thus, he is forced to live a semi-impoverished life Who is the secondary character? A= Manolin (the young boy) is a young man and good friend of Santiago. Santiago has spent several years teaching and instructing Manolin in the traditional methods of fishing. Where and when the story takes place? A= In Cuba and out in the Gulf Stream, in the 50'. What is the climax of the story? A= During the last few moments of the Marlin's life. Santiago battles furiously with the huge fish as it thrashes about in the water. The danger to Santiago is immense because the size of the marlin is much greater than the Santiago's boat. Did you like the story? Why? A= Yes because is about the hard existence of the man fighting against his destiny, conditioned by the social and cultural structures that mark his life. Do a summary of the story A= The story is about Santiago a Cuban fisherman who goes through many conflicts with nature and himself. He experiences poor luck in the latter part of his life which leaves him poor and destitute, relying on a boy to feed him and to be his only true friend. In spite of his skill as a fisherman, only his diligent perseverance ended his eighty-five day drought of fish. In this time of need, Santiago's pride prevailed over his hunger and need of supplies. While fishing in solitude, Santiago's eighty-five day ordeal ended with the snaring of a marlin. During the contest between himself and the fish, Santiago had to endure many physical and emotional conflicts. Santiago's physical conflicts include his hunger, fatigue, and the cramping of his hand. His body required nutrition and became tired and thirsty, inflicting great pain and demanding his attention. The obtaining of nourishment was a task which required all his skills and physical strength while at the same time holding a line with a marlin larger than any he had ever seen. When Santiago's hand cramped and refused to be of any use to him, he felt betrayed by his body and had to coax his hand with kind words, food, and time out of paralysis to the point where it could again assist in the capture and killing of the marlin. Santiago struggled with his emotions throughout the ordeal as well. He continually felt unworthy of putting such a grand fish to death and understood he was better than the fish only because he could think. Santiago felt sorry for having to destroy such a beautiful creature, and when pulling the fish alongside the boat, being torn apart by sharks, he felt as though the fish had disrespectfully been treated and that is was a disgrace for it to be destroyed by that means. Santiago struggles with many conflicts in this novel and the climax takes place just as he is using his last efforts and tools to disperse the sharks and protect the marlin. In his failure his struggles end and he slumps into his boat in lamentation. His conflicts are resolved and he returns to port with only a carcass, receiving no monetary profit, but gaining the respect of his colleagues.

Friday, March 6, 2020

For The Bible Tells Me So

For The Bible Tells Me So Fundamentalist Christians and Homosexuality The viewpoint of the fundamentalist Christians concerning homosexuality is that it is a sin and an abomination to mankind. Several fundamental Christians such as Mary Lou Wallner and Reitans openly reject their children who declare themselves as homosexuals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on For The Bible Tells Me So specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wallner rejects her daughter while the Reitans gang up with the Minnesota community to through a brick at Jake for declaring that he is gay. Besides, the Missouri congressman is at cross road whether to support his gay daughter or reject her despite her assistance towards his presidential campaign. In addition, Gene Robinson who doubles up as a gay bishop has to live with rejection from his parents who are part of the conservative Episcopal Bethany Church. The many young religious persons who are gay have a difficulty of balancing the relationship with their families and their sexuality. Same as the views of the fundamentalist Christians, the book of Leviticus 18:22 in the Bible condemns homosexuality in totality as detestable before God. Opposing Views on Homosexuality The homosexual sympathizers, the homosexuals, and several experts offer an opposing viewpoint concerning the Bible and homosexuality. The first argument is that only one or two verses in the entire Bible mention homosexuality and it is barely a topic in the holy book. In the views of Rev. Dr. Keene, biblical literalism can be blamed for demonizing homosexuality since the manuscripts of the good book can only be traced to the 20th century. The other proponents of homosexuality argue that most fundamental Christians are hypocrites who have discarded all the other topics in the tome of Leviticus apart from the one or two verses on homosexuality. Thus, selective amnesia only promotes literalism instead of ‘contextualism’. Consequence s of declaring homosexuality as an abomination The consequences of socially constructing homosexuals and homosexuality as an abomination according to the film â€Å"The Bible Tells Me So† are destroyed family relationships and discrimination of the homosexuals by the society. The film indicates that several gay persons and their families have to live with the prejudice by the society for condoning what is considered immoral and against the good book. The relations among the family members may also be strained since no one would want to accept or associate with homosexuals as members of their family. On the other hand, constructing homosexuality as an abomination may open the door for abuse of gay rights by their opponents.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The abuse may be in the form of discrimination from participating in social events, church activities and free interaction. In fact, the society may internalize the selective amnesia approach when relating to the homosexuals irrespective of their feelings and freedom of choice. The perspective of the film of homosexuality Reflectively, the film â€Å"The Bible Tells Me So† seems to suggest that homosexuality is based out of choice. Despite knowing about it in the early years, most the homosexuals are afraid to declare their sexuality to the society due to fear. For instance, Jake and the other homosexuals in the film are afraid of the perception of the society towards their choice of sexuality. I support the view that homosexuality is based on personal choice. I don’t believe that somebody can be born gay. As an individual grows up, several external factors in the environment may influence his or her views on sexual direction. For instance, very close and prolonged attachment to a member of the same sex may eventually lead to development of sexual feelings for that person.